The concept / bracelet

On delivery of the product



You will find:

- advice and methods of use to gently habituate baby

-  as well as the methods of maintenance of the bracelet.

These tips come from the experience of the creator of the product.

The goal is that you have the same success!!






matériel : 100 % coton                         


confortable, soft

hand sewn




fixing the nipple to the bracelet

The parent adjusts the size by pressing buttons.

Simple product and very easy to use

Easy and fast method of baby accustoming



No risk of strangulation in the neck

Washing machine or hand












→anneau de préhénsion

Afficher l'image d'origine

Afficher l'image d'origine

Bracelet tissu 100 % coton extensible, réglable à la taille du poignet par de  boutons pressions kam certifiés oekotex.

Bases  : tableau mensuration enfants - tour de poignet normes  AFNOR .


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